Friday, May 20, 2011

Pictorial Review: RotF Dune-Runner

OK, this is my very first written review of a toy on any site for that matter but, I digress. First, introductions. I am Jessie Lee Elias, also known as ZeltraxMillenium on YouTube. I am the dude who made the custom Cybertron Skywarp and TFA ThunderCracker for Thew and Buddhacon respectively. I’ve been keeping tabs on this site for a while and want to join but both me and Buddhacon know that’ll take a while so, this is what I’m doing for right now.

Now, let’s start the review of Revenge of the Fallen Dune-Runner!


Dune-Runner turns into one of the vehicles from the first movie, which is a  heavily modified Chenowth Desert Patrol Vehicle (DPV) with added protective armor. The paint-job on this guy is very nice all around, with somewhat Hunter-Green looking plastic for the alt mode, Games-Workshop Bolt Gun Metal for the 2 mini-gun on top, good silver bits for the grill and various sections of the alt mode, along with yellow for the lights.

It also has plastic black wheels so it can roll, but it’s advised to do it on a flat surface. Also, on both sides of the alt. mode, it has the N.E.S.T logo and the numbers 0318. I don’t know, it must mean something.

Overall, Dune-Runner’s alt mode is very movie accurate/Though I think you only see it for a few seconds in both the first movie and ROTF, but is still recommended even if you have the bigger LandMine toy from the first movie. Now, let’s get to Robot Mode.


The transformation for Dune-Runner is both fun and kind of challenging at the same time. You first take the sides of the alt. mode and pull them out to reveal the robot arms/These were not too visible in vehicle mode. Then, bend and pose the arms to look a bit more normal and position the mini-guns however you want as they are pose able too. Take the back section and pull it back as best you can to reveal the head. Then, take the hood of the alt. mode and push it against what is his skeleton to make the chest. Take the waist and turn it 180%. Take the legs and split them apart. Take the front lights of the alt. mode and fold them to make them the feet. There should also be blue heel-spurs hidden under the feet. Go ahead and flip those out to help Dune-Runner stand better.

Dune-Runner’s robot mode looks great. No wonder they picked this guy for the Beach-Comber repaint. More paint’s been revealed in this mode and some of it, I don’t really like. First off, the arms. They’re nicely proportioned but, they’re colored a somewhat DARK baby blue and it doesn’t sit right with me for an odd reason. The head-sculpt is very good. Looks to me like he’s wearing a helmet with sand-protection goggles. His autobot symbol is done up in the same silver which I think it’d look better in the Autobot red we’ve known for the last 25 years.

Articulation for this guy is really nice. The arms are connected to the shoulders by a ball-joint which the arms can go all over the place. Elbow articulation is good, though I love when Transformers have double-jointed elbows. the hips are the same as the shoulders and the knees can bend at only 1 joint. The head is on a ball-joint, though the head is a bit too tiny for my taste. The mini-guns are still pose able in this mode, with which you can have them either in the back, the front, whatever! It’s up to your imagination.


Overall, this toy is really good for the price-point. Great articulation, nice paint, the look of it, and a fun toy for the collection. I give ROTF Dune-Runner an 8.5/10.

Until next time, I’m ZeltraxMillenium signing out. Laters. Please comment below and check out my YouTube channel for more reviews, customs, and commissioned pieces.


Jessie said...

Not bad for my first text review.

Mattersmasher said...

Do the guns on yours point in on vehicle mode? It;s the only thing that bugs me about this guy...

Jessie said...


The guns are on a couple of hinge joints. The official pics: have the guns up. I like to have them closer to the outward shoulder. I just had to put the guns in the official position for the action pose.

This thing gives you some freedom on where you want the guns to be positioned. The guns are also a little loose on mine which is probably why I have them closer to the outward shoulder.

Hope that helped a bit, MatterSmasher.

Anonymous said...

I had the Beachcomber repaint for a while. He wasn't bad, but didn't wow me, so I gave him away.

Good review, dude!

Jessie said...


Thanks a bunch, man. Wish me luck at Botcon 2011. I feel I'm gonna need it.

Moriarty said...

This is a great first review! Kudos :D

Jessie said...


Thanks for the compliment, Moriarty.

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