Sunday, May 22, 2011

Moriarty Reviews: RTS Voyager Strafe

One chick. One toy. One overlighted webcam.


This will be my last video review for a while because I'll be starting a work placement tomorrow that will knacker my non-existent bollocks off, so look out for some text reviews dotted around the place until next Saturday!


FullMetal_Luffy said...

i feel bad for strafe, nothing he could do will ever replace what mindwipe and by extention skystalker had done last year

which is a shame cause with a lil remolded head and changed weapons he could have been something else entirely! but alas budgets and tings dictate otherwise, all the voyager cash went on ol' Lugnut.

but i guess since it is the first time this mold has reached UK shores it was better he kept the mindwipe look, if nothing else to say we got the mold.

but he's still too much mindwipe, i'd have to remname him kevinwipe, mindwipes less successful brother

Mattersmasher said...

My problem with Strafe is simple: Lack of conviction. Why bother putting a MASSIVE and very cool looking Autobot symbol on the wings and the divide it in two with a sea of boring grey? Have conviction like with Dropkick and use the symbol for the entire alt. mode!

My other problem with him is the he looks like an explosion in a paint-and-ice cream warehouse.

The mould is still excellent and the colours don't ruin him exactly, but he could seriously have used a new head mould, not only that, but for the shelf price I actually bought a MISB Mindwipe through eBay.

In summary, Strafe does not need to exist. It's nice of you to give him some support though and it was a good review of his possible saving graces.

MontanaVista said...

I never knew this repaint existed! He looks like a US Coast Guard aircraft.. If the Coast Guard had stealth aircraft.. I hope our US followers appreciate that one.

Anonymous said...

Stafe kills his friends when startled.

Ben Watson said...

lol @Brentosaur! That's exactly what I think when I read that bio and consider the concealed knives in his arms.
I would so pick this guy up, due to lack of mindwipe in my house, but the colours are just too primary and laid on so thick, it looks like he's painted in poster paint you'd use at school when you're 9.

MrVash104 said...

even tho i love the mind wipe mode to death but i hate this guy on the fact that they didnt do anything to change the mode at least they could of change the head so in other words
mindwipe is awesome and epic
strafe is lazy attempt to make a buck lol

Mattersmasher said...

This just in: are selling him for less than £14.

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