Sunday, May 22, 2011

Pictorial Review: Dark of the Moon - Cyberverse Starscream w/ Orbital Assault Carrier

Don't call him Flattop, because he's not. The packaging clearly says, "Starscream Orbital Assault Carrier."


Damn it... OK, who am I kidding? He is Flattop.

The Cyberverse sub-line is seeking to reinvent Legends (now called Legion class) class figures by giving them accessories and sets that will increase their play value and make them more attractive. Starscream is one of the first Legion class figures to come packaged with a set and I must say this rebirth of a size class I've largely ignored for years is a success.

Treacherously cute.

The Legion sized Starscream that comes with the set isn't bad, but he's not great either. I'm not really a fan of the old Legends class, so I cannot judge this figure fairly. He definitely looks like Starscream and he is surprisingly posable in robot mode. The most impressive thing about this tiny guy is that he can actually hold a missile launcher that is bigger than him and still stand!


Unfortunatley, the missile is slightly too big for the launcher and does not fire out of the barrel once you press the switch. As if that matters, Starscream menacing with that massive thing in his hand.

Transformation is quite simple and intuitive just as a Legion class figure should be.

The tramp stamps let you know he is easy.

In alt-mode he is quite sleek from above, but he is riddled with kibble underneath, but that is also one of those things you have to expect from a Starscream this small.

Strange. He didn't need this to enter orbit in the first two movies...

The Orbital Assault Carrier is the reason why you're going to want to buy this set. Starscream is just OK on his own. In carrier mode it features two massive rail guns at the front end with two smaller cannons below them. You can tell it is an orbital carrier because it has two massive jet engines on the back.

Flattop? Never heard of him.

The carrier mode is as silly as it is great looking. We all know Starscream has no real need for this, but that is part of the charm. However, if I have one complaint about this mode, then it is that there doesn't appear to be a way to secure Starscream to the carrier. He just sits on top of it, which might be for the best since Starscream probably wouldn't have looked great with giant pegs on his legs.

The John

The box calls this the carrier's "battle station mode," but it honestly looks like a throne to me. The rail gun can spread outward at the sides if you wish to make the throne's appearance a little bit more different.

"My first ruling as leader of the Decepticons is to declare that all lunches will be had at the Olive Garden from henceforth!"

This mode is definitely the favorite. It's just so undeniably silly and spectacular. How fittingly grandiose for Starscream to have a battle throne.

You scream, I scream, but Starscream sits patiently for ice cream.

The carrier's third and final mode is what the box describes as an "assault craft."

"I'm... not sure what to do with this."

It looks the part, I guess, but I cannot help sensing a Star Wars vibe from this mode. To me it kind of resembles one of those droid tanks from the prequel trilogy.  Transforming the carrier into it's three modes is really simple since the "throne" mode is just the assault craft transformed half-way. 


His instructions state that you're suppose to place Starscream in the little storage department underneath the carrier for this mode, but it looks dumb. I recommend purchasing one of the Autobot Legion class figures and placing him inside there as a prisoner.

How many guns does it take to permanently kill Optimus Prime? The world may never know.

This set is just incredibly fun. It's a no-nonsense old school play set with a modern movie flare. As long as you don't take your movie figures too seriously, then you won't regret this purchase.

Carrier with three distinct modes that add a lot of play value.
Simple pocket-sized Starscream figure.
A Legion class figure with acessories!
Solid construction.
Easy transformation.
Obvious G1 Flattop homage.
Carrier can easily interact with other Legion figures.
Clip-on points for 3mm clip weapons.

Missile launcher doesn't work.
Lots of robot kibble.
Weird under storage thing.
Overabundance of gray might put some people off.

Price: $14.99
Location: Retail chains all over the U.S.
Vehicle Mode: 6/10 (Starscream), 9/10 (Carrier) 
Robot Mode: 8/10.
Overall: 23/30, easily recommended.


Moriarty said...

LMAO. I love how when Starscream is sat on his throne, you can see Warpath in the background with his pouty hands-on-hips gesture. XD I AIN'T - BLAM! - BOWIN' TO NO - KAPOW! - DECEPTICREEP!

exillionXLR said...

He looks like he's got that throne slouch going on! I can dig :D

SharkNinjaBlueStar said...

man, and I almost bought this today, too...

Thew said...

Jeez, is that a prototype or what? Where's the paint? I mean, the only reason I'd buy this thing is for a Flattop custom, so the absence of paint would make it 100x easier, but STILL...

Mattersmasher said...

"no paint" is the DotM standard!

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