Thursday, April 28, 2011

Well hello!

Oh, hi there! My name's Thew, and I suppose I'll go next. I mean... last. Huh. So I'm a stumpy, bearded goon from the middle of England: fairly overweight, constantly late and unreasonably enthusiastic about robots. I started collecting Transformers in earnest about four years ago and almost immediately started putting them in stupid Youtube videos overloaded with obnoxious metal, sped-up sections and jump cuts. It's the most fun I've ever had in my life and I never, ever intend to stop. Can I get a witness?

So listen, this blog/website thing you're looking at is going to be awesome. I'm chuffed as all Hell to be working alongside my BW mentor Brentomentosaur and singular RL Transfag buddy Mattersmasher. We got GAME. Time for some questions!

What interests you in Transformers?
Oh man! ALL OF IT. I just think they're the greatest. I find the toys fascinating, endlessly entertaining and totally endearing. They just scratch that itch, y'know? I'm sure you do. Transformers are beautiful things and should be revered as such.

Who was your first Transformer?
The first one I had as my very own was G1 Drag Strip. My brother Alex and I initially had a Seaspray to share but annihilated him before too long - I remember Alex got Slingshot at the same time as I got Drag Strip, and he was convinced that Slingshot's gun shot wine out of it. Now he's doing a PhD!

Who are your top five characters?
In order of me thinking of them:
1. Astrotrain (G1)
2. Skywarp (G1)
3. Lugnut (Animated)
4. Ironhide (G1)
5. Grimlock (all of them)

Autobots or Decepticons?
Decepticons, obviously. They're bigger and badder, they have cooler names, sweeter colours, and they're awesome.

What is your favourite gimmick?
It kills me to say it, but... light piping. It's just a touch of clear plastic, right - the simplest, cheapest thing in the world, but it can bring such life to a toy. Light piping is the goddamned Pope.

Which show is your favourite?
Honestly there are many I haven't seen, but having dabbled in a few, I can say with some confidence that it's Animated all the way, baby. It was refreshing, sharp, and utterly dodecabodacious. Shame they had to cut it short.

That's just about all you're gettin' out of me for now. Peace, etc!


Anonymous said...

Christ I need to own an Astrotrain of some kind.

BuddhaCon said...

I have to find my epic box-o-transformers. I have a ton of my old ones in a box hidden in my parents attic. I think I had two... if so brent.. it's yours.

Anonymous said...


Also, we all knew you were going to say light piping, Thew. You're almost at the point of being synonymous with the feature.

BUBs said...

Well. was eggspekting to se segaman here somewhere. but no.

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