Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A girl with a thing for things.

Oh wow, super, hi! Um, hello. Right, yes. This is like a job interview, isn't it? Only I'm not being paid and I don't get to bonk the secretary. we even have a secretary? Can I be the secretary? I can file! I like filing things. Shut up? Of course, I can do that too! By the way, would you like a scone?

The name's Becca. I've been invited to join the splendiforous crew at the Transforming Block mainly to contribute some sort of bi-weekly webcomic thing. I talk a little too much and I'm ridiculously British. I've also managed to buy 200-and-something Transformers toys since joining the fandom last July, so I guess this eradicates my newb status, right? Right? Please don't tea-bag me. PG Tips weren't made to be taken up the nose, you know.

Ahem. Let's get on with the questions, shall we?

What Interests You About Transformers?
Oh gosh, start with a hard one, why don't you? Let's see...
1. Toys that can turn from robots into cars, animals and aeroplanes and stuff. Hours of fun, and you feel sort-of intellectual doing it because you don't need the instructions any more. Well, much. Where do Warpath's feet go?
2. Cracktastic television. G1 = my brain on crack, BW = my brain on Red Bull, TFA = my brain on something undeniably perfect, and Prime = my brain on CGI.
3. The fandom, and in some cases, the fan-dumb. (Rumble is blue and that's all I got to say on the subject.)
4. But mostly, the toys. The delicious, amazing, splendid toys.

Who Was Your First Transformer?
ROTF Legends Bumblebee. Don't judge me! I had just seen Transformers on DVD, and the next day Mother-dearest and I were doing the monthly food shop in Sainsburys. They had their ROTF Legends on sale (for once) and she treated me to a Bumblebee. It would be two years later that I watched the 1986 film for the first time ever (on PSP UMD no less) and bought a Universe 2.0 Starscream off eBay. My first proper G1 toy was a battered and beaten Red Alert.

Who Are Your Top Five Favourite Characters?
1. G1 Red Alert.
2. TFA Prowl.
3. G1 Rumble.
4. TF:P Ratchet.
5. BW Silverbolt.

What Is Your Favourite Gimmick?
Weapons storage. I don't think it ought to be a gimmick because it's so bloody useful, but it's still pretty much treated as one. I'm especially fond of the Beast Wars toys for this reason: Rhinox, par example, has one of his weapons break into four separate bits that are then stored throughout his beast-mode without breaking the flow of the toy. Thankfully Universe Generations figures are starting to show this sort of flare, and it needs to be encouraged. *glares at all of the G1 bits she's keeping in a shoebox*

Which Show Is Your Favourite?
G1 will always have to be my favourite (like the Second Doctor will always have to be my favourite Doctor despite me loving Eleven a tiny bit more) because it's the first one I saw, but it's on a tie with TFA, with Prime and Beast Wars coming slightly below them both. To be perfectly frank, G1 is a bright, colourful mess of a show with little to no plot coherency and more cheese than a wine-lover's fridge, but it doesn't try to take itself seriously and the gravitas this gives it makes it wholly likeable. TFA had a kick-ass storyline and great characters (and even better toys), Beast Wars had a brilliant sense of characterisation and timing, and Prime is shaping up to be a bridge between all that is light and fluffy and dark and terrible about Cybertronian mythos.

Right, I'm going to shut up now before I bore you all to tears any more. I look forward to speaking to/hearing from y'all in the future, and hopefully I'll be getting the first comic up soon! If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear 'em. Peace out, bros.


Ben Watson said...

female transfans actually exist???
I heard they went extinct mega-cycles ago.

Moriarty said...

We weren't dead, just hiding...

Ben Watson said...

...should I fear you for that...?

Moriarty said...

Female ninja Transformers fans who avoided genocide by hiding in the kitchen cupboards...I'm gonna go with yes.

Thew said...

RIBFIR. Thankyou.

Mattersmasher said...


Moriarty said...

@ Thew - THANK YOU TOO. Shun the non-believers! Shunnn!

@ Mattersmasher - For the greater good.

BuddhaCon said...

I remember when that happened... Feels like yesterday! Welcome Aboard! :D

Ben Watson said...

Just a ponderous whimsy, but how does one become a writer on the block?

BuddhaCon said...

Currently at the moemnt we're all full up. But send me a sample of your work to my email addy.. and i will keep it on file.

Ben Watson said...

whao...I wasn't actually asking to be on the team, rather just wondering how it was put together... but I might just take you up on that...if I can find anything...

Ben Watson said...

I'm way outta that league...

BuddhaCon said...

well the offer is there Wasp. We accept all people, it's just a matter of size of the crew and what we and our servers can handle! Once we get on the new site we will be looking to expand. Different things to cover.. Like honestly I need someone to do up to date news for us.. someone to troll the web and find the breaking stuff.. but that's not until the new site.. i want to have a standalone page with everything on it. Just takes time, and money..

Ben Watson said...

Yeah, of course. That should be great and I'll try to see my way to making a donation if I can.

exillionXLR said...

Nice to meet you Becca(digitally speaking)

Now you mentioned something about scones?

Anonymous said...

She certainly does love her Red Alert.

Pedro Henrique Leal said...

good to know you guys "hire"

Well, I'm a journalist, I want to write about transformers, but currently, my lack of a good camera or a good pc prevents me from doing video reviews, and my blog is, well, zombified... I'll try to put my hobby related work in order, so I can apply for something when you guys get the site in order ^^

Moriarty said...

@ ExilionXLR - Did I say scones? I meant rocks. FREE ROCKS!

exillionXLR said...

Sedimentary rocks?????

Mattersmasher said...

It really does.

Dreadwind said...

Hello thar!

An excellent introduction, even if you do think Rumble is blue. Don't judge me. I read the comics more than saw the cartoon as a child.

Gadget said...

What other jobs could you think of? Ill be honest, im new as new can be to transformers, i have like... 15 maybe, but i love your vlogs, reviews, and the like. Id like to help out anyway i can, but dont exactly know what i could do... So if you could give me a email at my hotmail ( and let me know how i could be of any use you guys. I need something to do in my free time...

Pedro Henrique Leal said...

Same as gadget said... only at

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