Thursday, May 5, 2011

Brentosaur Reviews: Saidos

Featuring two minutes and 47 seconds of me avoiding obvious horny jokes.


Mattersmasher said...

I passed this guy up so many times. Maybe I should get the Japanese version just for extra fance-pantsery. Good review, Mr. 'saur!

BuddhaCon said...

I believe i may have to begin my hunt for him!

Anonymous said...

The Hasbro version is dirt cheap since he was rereleased just before Christmas and sold for $1.

But yes, the Galaxy Force version looks so much better. Worth the extra money.

Anonymous said...

Here is another option.

Mattersmasher said...

Cool! That reminds me, I keep meaning to get a 'Repugnus' and also that Pteranodon from Galaxy Force, too.

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