Wednesday, April 27, 2011

BuddhaCon / Xebachae

So.. My fellow reviewers have beat me to the punch at introductions I see! Well Where to start, where to start? Well I'm also a yankee across the pond from Thew and MatterSmasher. I've been a fan of transformers since the early days of Generation One. I loved them dearly and yes, I was one of those teary eyed children walking out of the theater in 1986 when Optimus Prime drew his last breathe. Ah the memories.

I had a ton of transformers as a child ranging from G1 up until the end of the Headmasters line. As with any youth, I grew away from transformers for a spell and went off into the world of Music, Skating and other extracurricular activities. But then I came upon the 2007 Movie figures and the love affair began once more for a time, then I spotted Masterpiece Optimus Prime. The my wallet and girlfriend sighed and I haven't looked back since!

Upon recommendation from MontanaVista I began watching reviews online, and none of them really caught my eye until I found Thew's Reviews. I was instantly drawn in and thought to myself I need to so something like this! I love transformers, I'm an Internet nerd (Yes, I'm a Redditor) and well I have a bunch of toys!

In keeping with the wonderful Format presented by my colleague Brentosaur I will do as he did at the end of his wonderful Brentroduction!

What Interests You About Transformers?

Well I'd have to agree with him 100% Nothing compares in fun , frustration and pure enjoyment of breaking one of these little baddies out of it's plastic prison and fumbling through your first transformation of said little robot! They are great conversation pieces and well look great transformed on the shelf or on a desk! Plus it brings me back to my childhood with each new Autobot or Decepticon that arrives at my door!

Who Was Your First Transformer?
My first transformer was G1 Optimus Prime. I had been watching the Gen 1 show for a good while and always wanted my very own figures to reenact the epic battles that I saw on the Television. Being the quiet well mannered child I was, I never pressed my father or mother for one. Well one day my father took me to Caldor (the 1980's walmart) and we happened to come upon the toy aisle. I asked if we could look, and well there he was... Optimus in all his Prime Glory! I picked up the box and felt the light of jacob's ladder shoot down from the sky in through a hole in the ceiling of that ghetto 1980's Caldor. I placed him back down on the shelf. And sure enough Pop picks him up and says you like Optimus? Of course! I exclaimed! Well he picked him up along with megatron and put them in the cart. I was dumb founded, over joyed and in shock! Well ladies and gents, my father created this monster that day! Thanks Dad!

Who are your top 5 favorite characters?
1. Optimus Prime (G1)
2. Megatron (G1)
3. Sideswipe (ROTF)
4. Jazz (G1)
5. Starscream (G1)

Autobots or Decepticons?
Autobots, Because they're so good natured and well they just Rock!

What is your favorite gimmick?
The Transformers that don't have any! I'm not a big fan of gimmicks but one never knows. There may be one out there to change my mind!

Which show is your favorite?
My favorite show would of course be Generation One. I mean it's epic, it's the foundation for all things transformers. A close second would have to be the new Prime series. I don't know why but i really dig the mix up of G1 and Movie-verse characters.. And wheeljack was just the MAN!

Well my fellow Robot lovers... I hope this enlightened you a bit more on why I love transformers! I look forward to learning and playing with transformers for you! (wow that sounded wrong)



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